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Waialua condos for sale | Oahu

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Lifestyle & outdoors In Waialua

63 surf spots in this area

Type: surfing
Super Fun Left
Type: surfing
Puena Big Right
Type: surfing
Puena Point - Outside
Type: surfing
Puena Point - Inside
Type: surfing
Type: surfing
Type: surfing
Type: surfing
Type: surfing
Type: surfing
Alligator Rock
Type: surfing
Type: surfing
Type: surfing
Type: surfing
Type: surfing
5-0s / Parking Lots
Type: surfing
Type: surfing
Waimea Bay
Type: surfing
Rubber Duckies
Type: surfing
Log Cabins
Type: surfing
Rock Piles
Type: surfing
Off the wall
Type: surfing
Pipeline / Backdoor
Type: surfing
Type: surfing
Gas Chambers
Type: surfing
Type: surfing
Rocky Point
Type: surfing
Monster Mush
Type: surfing
Kammy Land
Type: surfing
Sunset Point
Type: surfing
Amazing Rights. Shallow reef. Long or short boards.
Vals Reef
Type: surfing
Type: surfing
Type: surfing
Waimea Bay
Type: body-surfing
Waimea, Waialua 1-3 3-10
Banzai Pipeline
Type: body-surfing
Pupukea, Ko'olauloa 1-10
Type: body-surfing
Pupukea, Ko'olauloa 1-5
Oahu Tow-in Surfing Area
Type: towin-surfing
Seaward of the North Shore Oahu Ocean Recreation Management Area (ORMA) between Kaena Point at 21 degrees 34.488 minutes north, 158 degrees 16.835 minutes west, and Kahuku Point at 21 degrees 42.817 minutes north, 157 degrees 59.061 minutes west Persons may conduct tow-in surfing, and may extend their operation into the ORMA waters for board and personnel recovery, rescue, and emergency purposes, except within restricted areas
Oahu Tow-in Restricted Areas: Area B
Type: towin-surfing
Waters seaward and perpendicular to the shoreline bounded by a line drawn from the shoreline at 21 degrees 40.753 minutes north, 158 degrees 02.530 minutes west, then west to the seaward boundary of the ORMA at 21 degrees 40.753 north, 158 degrees 03.580 No thrill craft, except for rescue and enforcement units, shall operate in these restricted areas; provided that thrill craft operated under the direct supervision of an instructor who possesses a certificate of completion as described in section 13-256-
Oahu Tow-in Restricted Areas: Area C
Type: towin-surfing
Waters seaward and perpendicular to the shoreline within the ORMA boundary beginning at the north end of Shark’s Cove at 21 degrees 39.318 minutes north, 158 degrees 03.818 minutes west, then proceeding south along the shoreline to 21 degrees 38.351 mi No thrill craft, except for rescue and enforcement units, shall operate in these restricted areas; provided that thrill craft operated under the direct supervision of an instructor who possesses a certificate of completion as described in section 13-256-
Oahu Tow-in Restricted Areas: Area D
Type: towin-surfing
Waters seaward and perpendicular to the shoreline within the ORMA boundary beginning at 21 degrees 35.019 minutes north, 158 degrees 08.090 minutes west facing the eastern edge of ”Hammerheads” surf break, then proceeding west along the shoreline to No thrill craft, except for rescue and enforcement units, shall operate in these restricted areas; provided that thrill craft operated under the direct supervision of an instructor who possesses a certificate of completion as described in section 13-256-
Oahu Tow-in: Training Area 2
Type: towin-surfing
Waters seaward and perpendicular to the shoreline within the ORMA boundary beginning at 21 degrees 41.617 minutes north, 158 degrees 01.155 minutes west, facing “Dog Island”, then southwest along the shoreline to 21 degrees 40.753 minutes north, 158 Designated for training and instruction in tow-in surfing techniques. The trainee shall be under the direct supervision of an instructor who possesses a certificate of completion as described in section 13-256-22(g), and has been issued a permit pursuant
Type: surfing
Backdoor Overview
Type: surfing
Type: surfing
Gas Chambers
Type: surfing
Type: surfing
Type: surfing
Type: surfing
Laniakea Inside
Type: surfing
Log Cabins
Type: surfing
Type: surfing
Type: surfing
Type: surfing
Pipeline Overview
Type: surfing
Pua'ena Point
Type: surfing
Type: surfing
Rocky Point
Type: surfing
Rocky Point Lefts
Type: surfing
Sunset Beach
Type: surfing
Sunset Beach Overview
Type: surfing
Type: surfing
Waimea Bay
Type: surfing
Waimea Bay Overview
Type: surfing

46 parks in this area

Ke Nui Road A

Ke Nui Road B

Ke Nui Road D

Sunset Point Beach Park

Ke Nui Road C

Sunset Beach Park

Oopuola Street

Kahauola Street

Huelo Street

Sunset Beach Support Park

Pupukea Beach Park

Ke Nui Road E

Sunset Beach Neighborhood Park

Ehukai Beach Park

Ke Nui Road F

Ke Nui Road G

Banzai Rock

Banzai Rock Beach Support Park

Ke Iki Road B

Ke Iki Road A

Ke Waena Road

Kahawai Beach Support Park

Ke Iki Road C

Puu O Mahuka State Monument

Waimea Bay Beach Park

Uppers Beach Park

Leftovers Beach Park

Chun's Reef Beach Support Park

Laniakea Beach Support Park

Papailoa Road

Haleiwa Beach Park

Haleiwa Beach Park Mauka

Haleiwa Alii Beach Park

Kaiaka Bay Beach Park

Au Street A

Aweoweo Beach Park

Au Street B

Mokuleia Beach Park

Waialua Beach Road

Crozier Drive

Hoomana Place

Makaleha Beach Park

Crozier Drive Brow Parking

Makaleha Beach Park

Waialua District Park

Kamamalu Neighborhood Park

13 beaches in this area

Waimea Bay

Sunset Beach

Haleiwa Alii Beach

Unnamed beach

Unnamed beach

Chuns Reef Beach

Three Tables

Unnamed beach

Turtle Bay

Unnamed beach

Unnamed beach

Unnamed beach

Unnamed beach

1 golf course in this area

Kulima Golf Course

Essentials in Waialua

Supermarket is about 16 min drive
Airport is about 12 min drive
Hospital is about 18 min drive
Farmers market is about 18 min drive
Costco is about 25 min drive
* distance is calculated by average per house. Some homes maybe closer to the essentials

Walkability in Waialua

6 / 20
Car dependent
Walkability according to the National Walkability Index

Schools nearby Waialua

6 /10
Haleiwa Elementary School
66505 Haleiwa Rd, Haleiwa, HI 96712
4 /10
Waialua Elementary School
67020 Waialua Beach Rd, Waialua, HI 96791
6 /10
Haleiwa Elementary School
66505 Haleiwa Rd, Haleiwa, HI 96712
5 /10
Waialua High & Intermediate School
67160 Farrington Hwy, Waialua, HI 96791
4 /10
Waialua Elementary School
67020 Waialua Beach Rd, Waialua, HI 96791
5 /10
Waialua High & Intermediate School
67160 Farrington Hwy, Waialua, HI 96791
School ratings provided by © 2023. All rights reserved.

Living in Waialua Waialua is a neighborhood in the North Shore district of Oahu.

Supermarkets are about 16 min drive, the nearest Hospital is about 18 min drive and the airport is about 12 min drive.

Waialua is car dependent.

There are 46 parks in this area, and 13 public beaches. Nearby lifestyles include surfing, body surfing and golf.

Housing Market Trends for Waialua

There are currently 27 real estate listings for sale in Waialua. This includes homes, condos, multi-family homes, and vacant land.
The average listing price in Waialua for condos is $378,016 and for homes is $1,280,694. The median sales price for Waialua over the last 90 days is $763,000, a 6% increase of $47,000 year over year. If we break this down per property types we see that the median sales price for homes is $1,135,500 and for condos $445,000.
The number of sales in the last 60 days are 8. The average days Waialua properties stay on the market before being sold is 82 days.

Waialua is a neighborhood located in the
North Shore
district on the island of

Average Listing Price Waialua for condos & homes

Median Sales Price Waialua for condos & homes

Number Of Sales Waialua for condos & homes

* information deemed reliable, but not guaranteed
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