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Kailua Estates homes for sale & real estate | Kailua

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Lifestyle & outdoors In Kailua Estates

2 surf spots in this area

Flat Island - Popoia Island
Type: surfing
Flat Island, or Popoia Island is about a quarter mile off of Kailua beach boat ramp and beach park.
Kailua Beach
Type: body-surfing
Kailua, Ko'olaupoko 1-3 3-5

6 parks in this area

Kalama Beach Park

South Kalaheo at Kuuniu Street

Kailua Beach Park

Kailua District Park

Kaelepulu Mini Park

Enchanted Lake Community Park

4 beaches in this area

Unnamed beach

Kailua Beach

Unnamed beach

Unnamed beach

1 golf course in this area

Unnamed golf

Essentials in Kailua Estates

Farmers market is about 13 min walk
Hospital is about 5 min drive
Supermarket is about 12 min walk
Airport is about 29 min drive
Costco is about 29 min drive
* distance is calculated by average per house. Some homes maybe closer to the essentials

Walkability in Kailua Estates

13 / 20
Somewhat walkable
Walkability according to the National Walkability Index

Schools nearby Kailua Estates

No elementary schools nearby
6 /10
Kailua Intermediate School
145 South Kainalu Dr, Kailua, HI 96734
4 /10
Kailua High School
451 Ulumanu Dr, Kailua, HI 96734
School ratings provided by © 2023. All rights reserved.

Living in Kailua Estates Kailua Estates is a neighborhood in the Kailua district of Oahu.

Supermarkets are about 12 min walk, the nearest Hospital is about 5 min drive and the airport is about 29 min drive.

Kailua Estates is somewhat walkable.

There are 6 parks in this area, and 4 public beaches. Nearby lifestyles include surfing, body surfing and golf.

Housing Market Trends for Kailua Estates

There are currently 0 real estate listings for sale in Kailua Estates. This includes homes, condos, multi-family homes, and vacant land.
The average listing price in Kailua Estates for condos is $349,900 and for homes is $1,851,548. The median sales price for Kailua Estates over the last 90 days is $1,850,000, a -15% decrease of $350,000 year over year. If we break this down per property types we see that the median sales price for homes is $1,850,000 and for condos $0.
The number of sales in the last 60 days are 0. The average days Kailua Estates properties stay on the market before being sold is 0 days.

Kailua Estates is a neighborhood located in the
district on the island of

Average Listing Price Kailua Estates for condos & homes

Median Sales Price Kailua Estates for condos & homes

Number Of Sales Kailua Estates for condos & homes

* information deemed reliable, but not guaranteed
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