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Manoa-lower Multi-Family Homes for sale

1 multi-family home for sale

Multi-Family Home
Newly Renovated lately in 2024. Your chance to own this "College Hill" furnished 8BD/7BA house with Diamond Head/City/Ocean view, and Mountain/Garden views. Watch the Friday Night Firework from your picture windows in Living Room and Dining/Family room area. New windows. 30 solar panels installed for energy savings. New 4 split AC units. Chef's kitchen with granite countertops, accent lighting, and walk-in pantry. Separate guest 1BD/1BA area. Storage room/workshop. Ramps around the house make it easy for everyone. The detached storage room/workshop has a nicely finished interior with natural light, a high ceiling, and lava rock accent walls. Enjoy family dinners on your very own private patio overlooking the garden filled with Dragon Fruit, pineapple, lemon, Birds of Paradise, and flowers. The 5BD/4BA unit upstairs is separate from the three 1BD/1BA units downstairs. Rare oppotunity for live on the top level to enjoy such beautiful views or rent out all for maximum rental income. Near University of Hawaii, Punahou, MidPac & Lab School. Plentiful street parking available. Minutes to freeway East or West on-ramps. Only 7 minutes to Waikiki. See it before it's all rented out or sold.
1 – 1 of 1 homes for sale
  1. Hawaii
  2. Oahu
  3. Honolulu
  4. Manoa-lower

Lifestyle & outdoors In Manoa-lower

8 surf spots in this area

Rock Piles
Type: surfing
Type: surfing
Type: surfing
Type: surfing
The Wall
Type: body-surfing
Waikiki, Honolulu 1-5
Point Panic
Type: body-surfing
Kaka'ako, Honolulu 1-5 Dangerous rocks and reef bottom
Type: surfing
Type: surfing

13 parks in this area

Puu Ualakaa State Wayside

Makiki Tantalus State Park

Archie Baker Mini Park

Makiki Street Mini Park

Kamanele Square

Punahou Square

Makiki District Park

Wilder Avenue Mini Park

Moiliili Neighborhood Park

Old Stadium Park

McCully District Park

Isenberg Street Community Garden

Isenberg Street Community Garden

1 beach in this area

Duke Paoa Kahanamoku Beach Park

1 golf course in this area

Ala Wai Golf Course

Essentials in Manoa-lower

Farmers market is about 20 min walk
Hospital is about 18 min walk
Supermarket is about 14 min walk
Airport is about 15 min drive
Costco is about 16 min drive
* distance is calculated by average per house. Some homes maybe closer to the essentials

Walkability in Manoa-lower

14 / 20
Somewhat walkable
Walkability according to the National Walkability Index

Schools nearby Manoa-lower

6 /10
Education Laboratory Public Charter School
1776 University Ave, Honolulu, HI 96822
6 /10
Education Laboratory Public Charter School
1776 University Ave, Honolulu, HI 96822
6 /10
Education Laboratory Public Charter School
1776 University Ave, Honolulu, HI 96822
School ratings provided by © 2023. All rights reserved.

Living in Manoa-lower Manoa-lower is a neighborhood in the Honolulu district of Oahu.

Supermarkets are about 14 min walk, the nearest Hospital is about 18 min walk and the airport is about 15 min drive.

Manoa-lower is somewhat walkable.

There are 13 parks in this area, and 1 public beach. Nearby lifestyles include surfing, body surfing and golf.

Housing Market Trends for Manoa-lower

There are currently 5 real estate listings for sale in Manoa-lower. This includes homes, condos, multi-family homes, and vacant land.
The average listing price in Manoa-lower for condos is $235,858 and for homes is $1,813,376. Week over week the average listing price increased 1%. The median sales price for Manoa-lower over the last 90 days is $367,500, a -70% decrease of $890,000 year over year. If we break this down per property types we see that the median sales price for homes is $0 and for condos $367,500.
The number of sales in the last 60 days are 2. The average days Manoa-lower properties stay on the market before being sold is 43 days.

Manoa-lower is a neighborhood located in the
district on the island of

Average Listing Price Manoa-lower for condos & homes

Median Sales Price Manoa-lower for condos & homes

Number Of Sales Manoa-lower for condos & homes

* information deemed reliable, but not guaranteed
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