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Ewa Gen condos for sale | Oahu

Ewa Gen condos for sale: 0

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Lifestyle & outdoors In Ewa Gen

3 surf spots in this area

Shark Country
Type: surfing
Point Panic
Type: body-surfing
Kaka'ako, Honolulu 1-5 Dangerous rocks and reef bottom
Ewa Beach
Type: surfing

1 park in this area

Iroquois Point Neighborhood Park

1 beach in this area

Unnamed beach

2 golf courses in this area

Hawaii Prince Golf Club

Coral Creek Golf Course

Essentials in Ewa Gen

Supermarket is about 24 min walk
Farmers market is about 6 min drive
Airport is about 9 min drive
Hospital is about 7 min drive
Costco is about 9 min drive
* distance is calculated by average per house. Some homes maybe closer to the essentials

Walkability in Ewa Gen

14 / 20
Somewhat walkable
Walkability according to the National Walkability Index

Schools nearby Ewa Gen

5 /10
Holomua Elementary School
911561 Keaunui Dr, Ewa Beach, HI 96706
5 /10
Holomua Elementary School
911561 Keaunui Dr, Ewa Beach, HI 96706
No high schools nearby
School ratings provided by © 2023. All rights reserved.

Living in Ewa Gen Ewa Gen is a neighborhood in the Ewaplain district of Oahu.

Supermarkets are about 24 min walk, the nearest Hospital is about 7 min drive and the airport is about 9 min drive.

Ewa Gen is somewhat walkable.

There are 1 park in this area, and 1 public beach. Nearby lifestyles include surfing, body surfing and golf.

Housing Market Trends for Ewa Gen

There are currently 3 real estate listings for sale in Ewa Gen. This includes homes, condos, multi-family homes, and vacant land.
The average listing price in Ewa Gen for condos is $331,721 and for homes is $411,133. The median sales price for Ewa Gen over the last 90 days is $415,000, a -8% decrease of $47,000 year over year. If we break this down per property types we see that the median sales price for homes is $0 and for condos $415,000.
The number of sales in the last 60 days are 0. The average days Ewa Gen properties stay on the market before being sold is 0 days.

Ewa Gen is a neighborhood located in the
district on the island of

Average Listing Price Ewa Gen for condos & homes

Median Sales Price Ewa Gen for condos & homes

Number Of Sales Ewa Gen for condos & homes

* information deemed reliable, but not guaranteed
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