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South Maui homes for sale | Maui

437 real estate listings for sale in South Maui

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  1. Hawaii
  2. Maui
  3. South Maui

South Maui homes & neighborhood info

Lifestyles in South Maui

South Maui is a tropical paradise, known for its sunny weather, gorgeous beaches, and laid-back atmosphere. The region offers an enviable lifestyle, attracting those who appreciate a mix of tranquility and adventure. From oceanfront estates to cozy condos, South Maui homes cater to a variety of tastes and budgets, providing residents with the perfect island retreat.

Outdoor Activities and Recreation in South Maui 

One of the most appealing aspects of South Maui is the abundance of outdoor activities and recreational opportunities available to residents and visitors alike. With 16 surf spots, including Oneloa Beach for body and boogie surfing, the area is a haven for water sports enthusiasts. The crystal-clear waters also provide the perfect environment for snorkeling, swimming, and paddleboarding, allowing residents to fully embrace the island lifestyle.

South Maui is home to six parks, offering a range of facilities and amenities for families and outdoor enthusiasts. These parks feature playgrounds, sports fields, picnic areas, and walking trails, providing ample opportunities for relaxation and enjoyment. The region's natural beauty is further enhanced by the presence of the stunning Haleakala volcano, which offers a unique backdrop for hiking and sightseeing.

With 38 public beaches, South Maui boasts some of the most pristine and picturesque stretches of sand on the island. These beaches offer a variety of experiences, from bustling shores with ample amenities to secluded coves that provide a tranquil escape from the daily hustle and bustle.

Golfing in South Maui

South Maui is also a golfer's paradise, boasting 10 golf courses that cater to players of all skill levels. These courses offer challenging layouts, lush landscaping, and breathtaking views of the ocean and surrounding mountains. Residents can enjoy exclusive access to private courses, as well as discounted rates at public courses, providing the perfect opportunity for golfers to indulge in their passion.

South Maui Neighborhoods

The region is comprised of several distinct neighborhoods, each with its own unique charm and character. Among the most notable are Wailea & Makena and Kihei. Wailea is known for its upscale communities, such as Wailea Golf Estates, while Makena offers a more secluded and luxurious atmosphere. Kihei, on the other hand, is popular for its affordability and easy access to a wide range of amenities.

Each of these neighborhoods offers a diverse selection of homes, from lavish oceanfront estates to cozy condominiums. Regardless of the type of property, South Maui residents can enjoy easy access to a variety of dining and shopping options, as well as excellent schools and healthcare facilities.

Overall, South Maui provides an exceptional quality of life, with a perfect balance of natural beauty, outdoor activities, and modern amenities. Its diverse neighborhoods and housing options make it an ideal destination for those seeking the very best of island living.


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Lifestyle & outdoors In South Maui

19 surf spots in this area

Oneloa Beach
Type: body-surfing
Mo'oloa, Makawao 1-5
Pu'u Ola'i Beach
Type: body-surfing
Mo'oiki, Makawao 1-3 3-5
Palauea Beach
Type: body-surfing
Palauea, Makawao 1-3 3-5
Po'olenalena Beach
Type: body-surfing
Keauhou, Makawao 1-3 3-5
Wailea Beach
Type: body-surfing
Paeahu, Makawao 1-5
Polo Beach
Type: body-surfing
Palauea, Makawao 1-5
Mokapu Beach
Type: body-surfing
Paeahu, Makawao 1-5
Ulua Beach
Type: body-surfing
Paeahu, Makawao 1-5
Keawakapu Beach
Type: body-surfing
Paeahu, Makawao 1-5
Awalua Beach
Type: body-surfing
Olowalu, Lahaina 1-3
Kama'ole Beach III
Type: body-surfing
Kama'ole, Wailuku 1-5
Kama'ole Beach II
Type: body-surfing
Kama'ole, Wailuku 1-5
Kama'ole Beach I
Type: body-surfing
Kama'ole, Wailuku 1-5
Big Beach - Little Beach
Type: surfing
Type: surfing
Kahului Harbor
Type: surfing
Ma'alaea Harbor
Type: surfing
Type: surfing
The Cove
Type: surfing

6 parks in this area

Kalama Park

Kamaole Beach Park No. 1

Kamaole Beach Park No. 2

Kamaole Beach Park No. 3

Maipoina Oe Iau Beach Park

Ahihi-Kinau Natural Area Reserve

38 beaches in this area

Big Beach

Little Beach

Ulua Beach

Wailea Beach

Polo Beach

Mokapu Beach

Keawakapu Beach South

Keawakapu Beach North

Unnamed beach

Little Beach

Unnamed beach

Rocky Beach

Makena Landing

Unnamed beach

Kamaole I Beach

Kamaole II Beach

Kamaole III Beach

Kalepolepo Beach Park

Unnamed beach

Unnamed beach

Unnamed beach

Unnamed beach

Unnamed beach

Unnamed beach

Maluaka Beach

Unnamed beach

Unnamed beach

Unnamed beach

Unnamed beach

Unnamed beach

Unnamed beach

Unnamed beach

Palauea Beach

Chang's Beach

Po'olenalena Beach

Po'Olenalena Beach

Unnamed beach

5 Graves Beach

10 golf courses in this area

Makena North Course

Maui Nui Golf Club

Wailea Blue Course

Kahili Golf Course

Makena South Course

Makena South Course

Makena South Course

Wailea Emerald Course

Practice Area

Wailea Gold Course

Essentials in South Maui

Supermarket is about 28 min walk
Airport is about 24 min drive
Hospital is about 24 min drive
Costco is about 20 min drive
* distance is calculated by average per house. Some homes maybe closer to the essentials

Walkability in South Maui

6 / 20
Car dependent
Walkability according to the National Walkability Index

Schools nearby South Maui

5 /10
Kamalii Elementary School
180 Kealii Alanui, Kihei, HI 96753
5 /10
Kihei Elementary School
250 East Lipoa St, Kihei, HI 96753
4 /10
Kihei Public Charter School
300 Ohukai Rd, Kihei, HI 96753
4 /10
Kihei Public Charter School
300 Ohukai Rd, Kihei, HI 96753
3 /10
Lokelani Intermediate School
1401 Liloa Dr, Kihei, HI 96753
4 /10
Kihei Public Charter School
300 Ohukai Rd, Kihei, HI 96753
School ratings provided by © 2023. All rights reserved.

Living in South Maui South Maui is a section

Supermarkets are about 28 min walk, the nearest Hospital is about 24 min drive and the airport is about 24 min drive.

South Maui is car dependent.

There are 6 parks in this area, and 38 public beaches. Nearby lifestyles include surfing, body surfing and golf.

South Maui housing & real estate prices

South Maui Real Estate listings for sale
Median sales price for homes for last 90 days
Median sales price homes sqft for last 90 days
Price range sold condo units (last 6 month)
Median sales price condos for last 90 days
Median sales price condos p/sqft for last 90 days
The South Maui district is located on Maui

Average Listing Price South Maui for condos & homes

Median Sales Price South Maui for condos & homes

Number Of Sales South Maui for condos & homes

* information deemed reliable, but not guaranteed
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